Q&A for Aspiring Data Analysts

Esther Anagu
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Microsoft Designer

Data is an exciting field, but let’s be honest, it can also feel daunting at first. Don’t worry, everyone starts somewhere! This guide tackles the most common questions that trip up aspiring data analysts, so you can confidently conquer those data hurdles.

I get asked many times some questions. These questions are quite innocent. You are just starting in the data field, and it is normal to have plenty of questions. In this article, I listed out some common questions that are being asked by those who just started learning data. Let’s address some of the common queries and provide solutions:

Q: I’m new to data analysis. Where do I even begin?

A: Excellent question! I always tell people to start with the basics. Building a strong foundation is key. Make sure to familiarize yourself with basic statistics, data manipulation techniques using tools like Excel and SQL, and data visualization concepts. Numerous online resources like Khan Academy and Coursera offer beginner-friendly courses.

Q: Which courses should I take to transition into data analysis?

A: Start with foundational courses in statistics, Python (I love Python, though 😉) or R programming, and SQL. These are essential for understanding and manipulating data. Once you grasp the basics, explore more specialized courses, in areas, like data visualization with Tableau or Power BI, machine learning, and big data technologies.

Q: What are the best courses for beginners in data analysis?

A: Begin with learning tools like Excel for basic data manipulation and visualization. Then, move on to SQL for database management, and Python for more advanced data analysis and automation. Coursera and Udemy offer great beginner courses such as “Excel Skills for Business” on Coursera, “The Complete SQL Bootcamp” on Udemy, and “Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp” on Udemy. Additionally, “Data Visualization with Tableau” on Coursera is excellent for beginners looking to visualize data effectively.

Q: Certifications or Master’s Degree? Could you help me choose my path?

A: Both have their merits! Certifications are great for quickly gaining skills in specific areas like data cleaning or analysis, perfect if you already have some foundational knowledge. A Master’s degree provides a deeper, comprehensive education, covering advanced topics like machine learning. If you prefer a broader, in-depth understanding and have the time to invest, go for the Master’s. If you need to upskill quickly and are focused on specific competencies, choose certifications. For more insights, you can watch this video by Olamide Jolaoso CRB: https://youtu.be/ouUhYP8jozo?feature=shared.

Q: I need to build a portfolio, but what projects should I showcase?

A: Building a portfolio is not as daunting as it may seem! Simply showcase projects that demonstrate your skills in data cleaning, analysis, and visualization. Look for projects that resonate with your interests and goals. For instance, you could analyze data from Kaggle competitions, create visualizations with Tableau or Power BI, and perform data cleaning with Python (Pandas) or R. It could be analyzing housing prices, predicting stock market trends, or exploring social media sentiment; choose projects that you’re passionate about and that demonstrate your capabilities effectively. Remember, your portfolio is your opportunity to shine and showcase your unique talents!

Q: I haven’t secured any job or internship in data analysis. What do I do?

A: My singular advice is to be prepared. Opportunity can come at any time, and you shouldn’t be found wanting when it arrives! Gain practical experience by building a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and projects. Connect with data professionals on LinkedIn, attend industry events, and actively expand your network. Keep learning and solidify your knowledge of key concepts in data analysis to enhance your chances of securing opportunities. Remember, persistence and readiness are crucial in seizing the right moment.

Q: Can you provide project ideas for beginners?

A: There are many great project ideas for beginners! When I started out, my first project was a “Superstore Sales Analysis” project from Tableau. Another idea is to conduct surveys on topics you’re passionate about, and then analyze the results for insights. I’ve seen people work on sentiment analysis on Twitter, movie reviews, etc. Also, platforms like Kaggle offer beginner-friendly datasets and project ideas, such as predicting housing prices or analyzing social media trends.

Q: What are the key skills for a data analyst role?

A: These key skills are in two ways: soft and technical. As a data analyst, you must master Excel for data manipulation, SQL for querying databases, and data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI for presenting insights in a visually appealing manner. Also, having a solid grasp of statistics is crucial for interpreting data accurately. Last but not least, effective communication skills are a must. Being able to convey findings to both technical and non-technical audiences sets you apart. I wrote an article to expand on this too.

Q: I want to volunteer as a data analyst. Where should I start?

A: Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain an enriching experience! I’d recommend starting by reaching out to local non-profits or community organizations that resonate with causes you care about. Once you’ve found a potential match, don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and express your interest in lending your data analysis skills to their projects. Websites like Taproot Foundation or DataKind are also great resources for finding volunteer opportunities tailored to your expertise and interests.

Q: I’m seeking mentorship in data analysis. Can you mentor me?

I completely understand the desire for mentorship, especially when you’re just starting out in the data analysis field. It’s incredibly valuable on this journey. It’s important to recognize that, although it is commendable, reaching out to experienced professionals for mentorship may not always be possible due to workload constraints. Self-directed learning through online forums and professional associations is one choice I can recommend. Many newbies find invaluable support and guidance by engaging in forums like Stack Overflow or attending local meetups. You’ll find a vibrant online community eager to share their wisdom and cheer you on.

Q: How can I overcome challenges in learning data analysis?

A: Learning data analysis can be challenging, but don’t get discouraged! Break down complex concepts into smaller, manageable tasks. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek guidance from people in the field or online forums like Stack Overflow. Practice consistently, and find a community of learners for support and motivation.

Q: Data visualization seems complicated. Any tips?

A: It’s not as scary as it seems! Focus on clarity — ensure your charts and graphs are easy to understand, even for non-technical audiences. Choose the right visualization type based on your data and the message you want to convey. Opt for color palettes that are visually appealing and accessible to everyone.

Q: Is machine learning essential for data analysis?

A: Not every data analyst role requires extensive machine learning knowledge. However, it’s a valuable tool for understanding the future of data analysis. You can start by familiarizing yourself with basic concepts like algorithms and common techniques (e.g., linear regression, decision trees, etc.).

Q: I struggle with using Excel for analysis. Can you recommend resources?

A: Absolutely! There are numerous resources available to help you improve your Excel skills. I recommend checking out online tutorials and courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or YouTube channels like ExcelIsFun. Additionally, practice is crucial — start with small data analysis projects to build your confidence. I’ve shared valuable insights on learning Excel in a recent post.

Q: I recently had my CV rewritten. Can you review it?

A: Your CV should highlight your analytical skills, programming proficiency, and relevant projects or internships. Focus on showcasing your problem-solving abilities and any hands-on experience you have.

Remember, the data analysis journey is an ongoing process of learning and growth. You can navigate your career paths more confidently and effectively by addressing these common questions.

So, fellow data analysts, I want to hear from you!

Do you have any suggestions for future topics or resources, feel free to share them.

Let’s continue building a supportive community where we can inspire and empower each other in the world of data analysis.

And remember, if you found this post worthy of reshare, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and colleagues. Let’s spread the knowledge and empower more individuals in the world of data analysis!

Feel free to check out my previous articles for more tips and resources on mastering data analysis:

  1. A Must-Read for Data Enthusiasts Before Diving into Data
  2. Reflecting on Two Years as a Data Analyst at Wema Bank
  3. Clear Roadmap to Mastering SQL in 2024
  4. Behind the Scenes: A Peek into My Role as a Data Analyst



Esther Anagu

A Passionate Data Scientist & Analyst. Dedicated to empowering the data community by sharing invaluable resources. Embark on this data-driven adventure with me!