Essential Skills of Data Analysts

As a data analyst who spends a significant portion of my time exploring deep into datasets and uncovering insights, I’ve come to realized that it’s not just about mastering technical tools; it’s also about developing critical, essential skills that make our insights more impactful.

I will walk you through some of the essential skills every data analyst should master, drawing from my own experiences. Along the way, I’ll share some of my personal experiences, hoping they resonate with you and provide some guidance on your own data journey!

Before we look into the skills, let me give you a quick overview of what I typically do as a data analyst: I start by extracting data from databases using SQL, then move on to exploring and cleaning the data. Next comes the exciting part: extracting insights and visualizing findings using tools like Power BI or Excel. Finally, I wrap it all up by effectively communicating these findings to stakeholders.

But it doesn’t stop there; I also wear the hats of a problem-solver, storyteller, collaborator, and an effective communicator. However, above all, I’m fueled by curiosity— it’s what drives me to dig deeper, question everything, and discover the valuable insights within the data.

Here’s a sneak peek into the key skills every data analyst should master:

Technical Skills

  1. SQL Proficiency: This skill is fundamental. You must be able to extract and manipulate data from databases. As a data analyst myself, I’ve learned this lesson firsthand. I work in a large financial institution where data is stored in databases, and SQL proficiency is non-negotiable. It’s the tool I rely on to access all the necessary data for exploration and those critical insights that drive decision-making.
  2. Data Modeling: While SQL gets us the data, data modeling ensures it’s structured for effective analysis. Imagine spending all this time extracting data, only to have it poorly structured and unusable for analysis. Without proper organization, even the richest datasets can become unwieldy. By doing this, you can be confident the insights you provide to stakeholders are precise and useful.
  3. Data Exploration: This involves exploring the datasets to uncover hidden patterns, trends, anomalies, and valuable insights. A large chunk of my day (think 80%) is spent on exploratory data analysis. Why? Because these explorations are the foundation for the recommendations I provide to different departments. They guide their strategies and decisions. The tools used for exploration are Python, Excel, etc. You can also use Power BI, Tableau to explore data.
  4. Data Visualization: This involves presenting findings and insights in visually appealing formats, graphical formats for easy understanding. Data isn’t just numbers on a screen. It’s a story waiting to be told. That’s where data visualization comes in. Charts, graphs, compelling visuals — these are the tools I use to translate complex findings into easily digestible formats. They make the information clear, memorable, and impactful. The tools used for visualizing are Power BI, Tableau, Microsoft Excel, etc.
  5. Storytelling with Data: This is about translating complex findings into compelling narratives. Crafting narratives that resonate with stakeholders. Data visualization is just one piece of the puzzle. We, as data analysts, also need to be master storytellers. We can’t just present findings; we need to craft narratives that resonate with stakeholders, that explain the “why” behind the numbers. It’s about selling the story without drowning them in technical jargon. Tools: Micorsoft PowerPoint.

Now, this isn’t all about technical skills. The “soft skills” are just as important.

  1. Problem-Solving: Addressing challenges with creativity and resourcefulness is at the core of being a data analyst. As a data analyst, you must be thirsty for solving problem. Probably because I’m passionate about what I do, I find myself constantly seeking out challenges, looking for opportunities to use data to help different teams achieve their goals.
  2. Effective Communication: This involves conveying complex insights in a clear and understandable manner. Yes, we talked about this earlier. Being able to effectively communicate your findings in a clear way to your stakeholders is an important skill. But imagine all that hard work wasted because you couldn’t explain your findings clearly? That’s why improving on your communication skills is key.
  3. Business Acumen: This involves understanding the broader context in which data operates. Business acumen is another game-changer. Once, I spent hours on an analysis, only to have a team tell me it wasn’t what they needed. That’s when I learned the importance of understanding the business context. Asking questions, understanding the bigger picture — it saves time and ensures your insights are truly valuable.
  4. Curiosity: This skill involves having a passion for exploring and understanding data deeply. As a data analyst, it is important you always ask “why” and dig deeper into data. I said it earlier, our curiosity ensures we explore deeply and uncover valuable insights.
  5. Continuous Learning: The world of data keeps evolving. It is a must that we keep abreast of new tools and techniques in the ever-evolving field of data analysis. Stay updated and you will relevant.

So, fellow data analysts, I want to hear from you! What skills have been instrumental in your data journey? Share your experiences, your insights — let’s learn and grow together!

In the meantime, feel free to check out my previous posts for more tips and resources on mastering data analysis.

Esther Anagu, MBA

P.S. I love sharing valuable insights with my LinkedIn community!



Esther Anagu (Subscribe When You Follow)

A Passionate Data Scientist & Analyst. Dedicated to empowering the data community by sharing invaluable resources. Embark on this data-driven adventure with me!